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Australian musician and television presenter, Ray Burgess, shot to the top of Australia’s fledgling pop-rock scene following a successful appearance on television’s talent show, New Faces (the 20th century equivalent of Australian Idol). It was 1970 and Ray soon became a founding member of popular show band, Red Time, touring Australia for several years before the band was signed up as backing band to then-King of Pop, Johnny Farnham.

An accomplished singer in his own right, Ray undertook a solo career in 1974 and his very first recording, Touch Me, became a huge Australian hit. This success was confirmed by several more hits: Love Fever, Sad Rock & Roll, Rock & Roll Lightning and, the one he will be most remembered for, Gloria. Ray’s solo career produced three albums and he will be fondly remembered by all those baby boomers who got their music from iconic television shows like Countdown.

He was nominated for King of Pop in 1975 and 1976 (pipped at the post both years by Aussie pop royalty, Daryl Braithwaite).  

Ray was active in many aspects of this country’s entertainment industry including host of  Rock & Roll Circus and then popular youth culture program, Flashez on ABC television (nominated for a Logie in 1977).

A natural performer, by 1978 Ray had made guest appearances on most of Australia’s most respected live television shows including Graham Kennedy’s In Melbourne Tonight, Brian Henderson’s Bandstand, Midday with Mike Walsh, and The Don Lane Show. Other A-list celebrity hosts Ray worked with include Paul Hogan and Bert  Newton, and he was a regular on game shows Blankety Blanks and Celebrity Squares. On a number of occasions, Ray hosted Young Talent Time, filling in for regular host, Johnny Young.

During 1989-1990, Ray hosted the Sky network program After Dark.

For more than 17 years now, Ray has been a regular guest celebrity on Perth’s TVW7 Telethon (the biggest fund raiser in the world!). On this platform, he has performed alongside international stars including Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Vic Damone, and Gene Pitney.

In June 2008, Ray made a guest appearance on ABC television’s hilarious and well-rated, Spicks & Specks.

Singer, musician, television presenter, host, MC and compére … after 40 years in Australia’s entertainment industry, Ray Burgess has a lot to offer; he’s talented, funny, charismatic and, above all, versatile.

It’s in the family

In 2008 Ray’s daughter, singer Casey Burgess, was hand-picked from thousands of hopefuls to replace Charli Delaney in the hugely popular group kid’s group, Hi-5. Casey has toured extensively, recorded three series, and featured in the Live Hi-5 DVD in her short time with Hi-5. She is now persuing a solo career. Ray and Casey continue to perform together whenever possible.

In 2013 Ray is back in the charts with a new rock anthem "Legends of the Southern Land". He is joined by friends and fellow stars John St Peeters, John "Swanee" Swan, Marty Rhone and Tommy Emmanual sharing their love and pride for all Australians.

Casey's album "Space to Breathe" was recorded in Nashville and is now available through all download services. You can sample the tracks on Spotify or YouTube.